Hotung Secondary School Alumni Association is more |
母校今年慶祝創校六十五周年,何東中學校友會自 |
than eager to contribute to our alma mater’s 65th Anniversary |
然樂意貢獻微力,令校慶盛事更為多采多姿、豐富繽 |
Celebration and to play a part in bringing about more colourful |
紛!校友會特別於2018年3月24日(星期六)籌辦了『校友 |
and exciting celebratory events. To this end, the HSSAA |
重聚日』,並安排了數項不同但同樣趣味盎然的活動, |
organized a Homecoming Day on Saturday 24 March, 2018, |
好讓每個年代的「何東人」都能渡過愉快難忘的一天。 |
during which several different, yet equally fun-filled, activities |
were arranged so as to ensure that the day would be a joyous |
and memorable one for each generation of Hotung girls. |