Constructed in 1952 and 1958 respectively, the Main |
組成何東中學校園的正校和分校分別於1952年及 |
Building and the Annexe Building, which together form the |
1958年建成,多年來提供優良的環境,培育過一代又一 |
campus of our school, have been a superb nurturing ground |
代的「何東人」。它們彌漫著的濃厚歷史感深深吸引本 |
for generations of Hotung girls. Fascinated by the strong sense |
校陳志強老師,驅使他進行追本溯源的探索,並於早前 |
of history that permeate them, one of our teachers, Mr Chan |
一個短講中與同學們分享校舍超過半世紀的種種變化。 |
Chi-keung, carried out research into their origin and the |
changes that have taken place over the years and earlier |
shared what he has learnt with the study body in a lunchtime |
talk. |