With their teachers’ whole-hearted support and the |
本校一群熱愛音樂的同學喜獲老師的全力支持,同 |
collaboration of a number of students from Salesian English |
時又得到多位來自慈幼英文學校的學生衷誠協作,決定 |
School, a contingent of music-loving Hotung girls decided to |
大膽接受挑戰,把浪漫感人的經典故事《美女與野獸》 |
take on the huge challenge of bringing the romantic and heart- |
搬上舞台,作為於2018年7月5日(星期四)舉行的「六十 |
warming tale of Beauty & the Beast to life on the stage for the |
五周年校慶晚會」的壓軸節目。她們多個星期的緊密練 |
65th Anniversary Gala Night held on the evening of Thursday 5 |
習和綵排果然沒有白費,演出精采絕倫,令處身於上環 |
July, 2018, as the centrepiece of the programme. And much to |
文娛中心劇院的觀眾目不暇給、陶醉其中,極盡視聽之 |
their satisfaction, their weeks of intense preparation and |
娛!令到這趟大型製作更添魅力和華麗的元素,就是由 |
rehearsal paid off handsomely, when the entire cast gave a |
本校榮休老師王羅麗琨女士設計及縫製的多套精美戲 |
wonderful performance at the Theatre of Sheung Wan Civic |
服,凸顯故事的童話色彩及璀璨瑰麗的背景,叫觀眾眼 |
Centre and succeeded in amusing and captivating the audience. |
前一亮,讚不絕口。 |
What added to the glamour and magic of the outsize production |
was the large number of beautiful costumes made by the |
legendary Mrs Ada Wong, one of our retired and beloved |
teachers. |