"Top Teen Team Challenge" is an annual whole form |
「Top Teen成長挑戰賽」是中三學生熱切期盼的級 |
activity that all S3 students eagerly look forward to. Jointly |
際活動,由公民及國民教育組、訓導組、輔導組及學 |
organized by the Civic & National Education Committee, the |
校社工攜手協辦,目的在於提升學生的合作性、解難 |
Discipline Committee, the Guidance & Counselling Committee |
能力及自信。本學年挑戰賽的舉行日期為10月13日(星 |
as well as our school social workers, it aims to enhance our girls’ |
期五),過程輕鬆熱鬧及充滿趣味性,其中一個令同學 |
cooperation, problem-solving capability and self-confidence. The |
雀躍的環節就是在15分鐘的時限內合力完成拼砌祝賀 |
event for the current school year was held on Friday 13 October, |
母校六十五周年校慶的字句形狀HT65 (即 Ho Tung |
and it featured a challenge which the S3 participants took up with |
65)。當日全體中三級同學十分合作和投入,擔任指導 |
glee, namely forming the 65th anniversary celebratory message |
的同學更發揮領導才能,充分顯示她們對母校的摯 |
HT65 with their bodies within 15 minutes. All of them worked |
愛,表現令老師非常感動和欣賞。 |
closely as a team while those who supervised their fellow |
schoolmates also displayed fine leadership qualities, which goes |
to show how much they love their mother school. The teachers |
and social workers present were hugely impressed and touched |
by the girls’ outstanding performance. |