葉映欐、蘇敏善、李曉程和翟詠恩四位同學在停課期間,代表中文戲劇學會組隊參加由聰穎教育慈善基金主辦的第十二屆「啟慧中國語文」廣播劇創作暨演繹比賽,主題是「沒有冬天的香港」。同學們選用了別開生面的新聞報導方式表達,同時透過風趣惹笑的手法,令原本嚴肅沉重的主題變得有趣,令聽眾深刻明白到破壞環境的嚴重後果及認真反思應對氣候轉變確實刻不容緩。最後同學們從250隊參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,榮獲中學組金獎(冠軍),真的可喜可賀! Four Hotung girls, Yip Ying-lai, Su Man-sin, Lee Hiu-ching and Check Wing-yan, took advantage of the school suspension period to team up, as representatives of the school’s Chinese Drama Club, to take part in the 12th ‘My Smart Chinese’ Radio Drama Competition organised by Smart Education Charitable Foundation, with an original play entitled “A Hong Kong Without Winter”. Refreshingly presented in the format of a news broadcast, their work is successful in hammering home the message that environmental degradation has dire consequences and climate change needs to be urgently dealt